There is this alleged “dry-spell” when one receives the Equity Card. Everyone is excited to finally get the recognition that a simple piece of oaktag provides, but there is also the fear of the period of time right after. Who knows what actually “causes” this, the time in which we as actors don’t book gigs even though we’ve just proved that we have something in us that puts us on the same page as all other professional actors. The “dry-spell” is accepted. People just deal.
I don’t like this, and I refuse to buy it.
Life is and should always be full with artistic intention whether cast in a show or not. I believe that this outlook can only bring good things. By staying open with an assured sense of beautiful things to come just around the riverbend, -
- further inspiration for the positive steps to take can only be taken with grace and confidence. It’s with this mentality that we are immediately open to meet new and eager talent in this surprisingly small city who come together to create great work in the times when the commercial theatre industry may not need us.
When I’ve been open to the joy and harmony that art brings, new artistic adventures and opportunities spring forward into view of any shape or size, all being equally beautiful and important in my life. That is what I will hold onto, not to the fear of the “dry-spell”.
I am committing to staying open, to listening.
It is time to break that spell before it even begins; I will be the one who does not let that supposed possibility hold me back. The “dry-spell” is quite simply a human creation from times that, yes, have happened before, but never 100% of the time. People who are affected by the “dry-spell” are the ones who let themselves be a part of the depressed, fearful, stressed percentage in this timing bracket.
CHOOSE HAPPINESS (as Ms. Cassidy Boyd would say).
Does this mean I feel I’m going to be cast in a show within the week?
No. (If I do though, fabulous!)
What I’m trying to get at in this blunt manner is that whether I am cast in a show or not, that doesn’t mean that my life will ever be void of my artistic endeavors and jubilation. My art is my life and my life is my art. No one will ever be able to be take my artistic-living life away from me.
Instead of a “dry-spell”, I am entering an “art-filled-spell”. Here I am World! I’m ready!
To start this “art-filled-spell”, I have great news. I have just locked down on a place and time for a performance of my brand new cabaret, “Braver. Stronger. Smarter”: An evening with me as I recount moments of my first love, my father, and the auditioning world of commercial musical theatre through an unconventional combination of stories and show tunes. I have paired up with my awesome director, Martin Peacock, and my amazingly talented musical director, Shannon Collins, all pulling together some stories of mine for a new, edgier view of what cabaret can be.
We will be at The Duplex Friday, October 14th at 7:00 PM. So mark it in your calendars now for a fun night of songs and stories!
This performance is only the beginning. With only one night, my hope is to have family and friends come out and share this experience with me: my first ever solo show in NYC. From this night, we hope to expand, find what was intriguing within the piece in performance, and continue to create more cabarets to be marketed to a wider audience, including cabaret fanatics as well as high school and college communities around the country.
I am so happy with where we are going with this project. Please stay up to date on my Facebook profile about how to reserve tickets as well as how to donate to the creation of this piece.
Here’s to an art-filled life for everyone!
Whether it’s your career or not, commit to doing at least one artistic action a day simply for yourself. Sketch a tree, sing a little louder in church or the shower, go out to see a show or movie, or even write a journal entry or blog post. :-)
It’s a beautiful way to live.